How to Cure Minus Eyes Quickly, Easily, and Naturally Without Surgery

There are many ways to cure minus eyes. There are about seven ways that have proven effective. There is even a way to cure minus eye quickly within 1 week. It's not absolutely successful because the severity of your minus or cylinder is replaced. But it never hurts to try.

On the other hand, minus on the eyes is very annoying. There are many causes of minus eyes, ranging from heredity, reading habits, rarely doing outdoor activities, and much more. But this time we will focus more on how to cure minus eye. Want to know what it's like? Immediately, we see the following review.

How To Cure Minus Eye Quickly, Easily, And Naturally Without Surgery In 1 Week

A quick way to cure minus eye within 1 week is not necessarily successful. But this method is worth a try.

1. Drink Aloe Vera Juice

You can consume aloe vera juice for 1 full week and is believed to reduce the minus. This is due to the nutritional content of aloe vera juice. In addition, you can also add other herbal ingredients such as walnuts, lemon and honey.

How to Cure Minus Eyes Quickly, Easily, and Naturally Without Surgery

2. Drink Beetroot Juice

Beetroot helps to cure severe minus and high. Drink regularly for one week. If necessary, mix it with star fruit or carrot juice for more potent properties.

How To Cure Minus Eye With Candles

How to cure eyes with wax is one of the most widely used remedies by most people. Most think this is a powerful way to cure minus eye quickly.

How to cure minus eye with candles must be done properly so that the results are maximum. Well, here are the steps that must be taken for how to cure minus eye with candles:

  • Light a candle
  • Stare at the candle for a few minutes and try not to always blink
  • Do the activity continuously until the tears come out. If the tears come out, stop.
  • Repeat the next day.

But the thing to remember is not to overdo this wax therapy. Because of course not good for your eye health.

How to Cure Minus Eyes Quickly, Easily, and Naturally Without Surgery

How to Cure Minus Eye With Carrots

How to cure minus eye with carrots is also one of the natural remedies that can be done. Because we know that carrots contain beta-carotene which is needed by the body in producing vitamin A. Vitamin A itself is very good for eye health.

By eating carrots you will be able to maintain and nourish the eyes. If consumed regularly and continuously will reduce the minus in the eye. Medical facts say that drinking two glasses of carrot juice in one day for one month can improve the vision of people with minus eyes significantly.

How to cure minus eye with carrots

How to Cure Minus Eyes with Betel Leaf

How to cure minus eye with betel leaf is also considered a powerful solution. This is supported by the content of essential oils, namely cineol, karvakol, eugenol, kavikol, and kadinen. The essential oil in betel leaf contains starch, sugar, tannic substances, sesquiterpenes, attaches, and kavikol. kavikol is useful for killing bacteria, fungi, and as an antioxidant.

Here are the steps to cure minus eye with betel leaf:

  • Prepare 2 pieces of fresh betel leaf
  • Wash the betel leaf under running water
  • Paste the washed betel leaf in the eye before going to bed
  • Remove the betel leaf in the morning

There is a second way to cure eyes with betel leaf. Here are the steps:

  • Prepare some fresh betel leaves
  • Wash thoroughly under running water
  • Soak the betel leaf with water in a basin
  • When soaked, knead the betel leaf until the water turns green

Next, soak your eyes in a basin filled with betel water. When the eyes are submerged in water, try to open and close the eyes with the intention of the betel water entering your eyes. Do it for 30 minutes every day for maximum results.

How to Cure Minus Eyes with Betel Leaf

How to Cure Minus High and Severe Eyes

How to cure high and severe minus eyes? Can it still be treated or cured? Actually not cure, but only reduce. Some of the ways you can do in how to cure high and severe minus eyes are as follows:

  • Take off your glasses when you don't need them so your eyes don't depend on them
  • Train your eyes to see objects that far away without glasses
  • Train your eyes by looking at moving objects such as people passing by on the street
  • If your activity is high in front of the computer, try to rest your eyes every 25 minutes and turn your gaze to objects that are quite far away for a few minutes
  • Clean your eyes regularly using eye drops to prevent dust from entering
  • Can consume eye nutrition with sufficient levels. You can eat natural ones such as carrots, fresh vegetables, and so on.

How to Cure Minus Eyes Without Glasses

If you are asking how to cure minus eye without glasses, here are things you can do for therapy.

Focusing sight using the index finger

You can do this exercise in a comfortable sitting position, and place your index finger 10 cm from your nose. Focus your gaze towards the index finger then shift your focus to a distant object behind the index finger, then return your focus to the index finger. Do this with a glance but without moving your head. Repeat this process up to 10 times each day.

Eye exercise

The trick, wiggle the eyeball from left to right, then rotate and blink 100 times every day. This exercise also serves to clean and lubricate the eyeball.

Sun the eyes in the morning

How to sunbathe you can do by closing your eyes and directing your gaze to the sun until the eyeballs feel warm. We recommend doing this in the morning, so that vitamin D intake can also be fulfilled.

How to Cure Minus Eyes Without Glasses

How to Cure Minus and Cylindrical Eyes

Actually, how to cure minus eye and cylinder is relatively the same. However, there is special treatment for cylindrical eyes. That is to do activities such as the following:

  • First, rub the palms of your hands together until they feel a little warm.
  • Close your eyes and cover them with your palms (don't press it, just stick it).
  • Make sure that no light enters.
  • Repeat several times until the eyes feel more comfortable and comfortable.
  • You can do this eye palming at any time when your eyes start to feel tense and tired.

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