This is the Danger of Dry Ice Mixed in the Swimming Pool

The use of dry ice that is not done carefully can be life threatening. This happened at a pool party in Moscow, Russia, where as much as 25 kg of ice mixed into a swimming pool killed three people. So, what exactly is dry ice? How harmful is it to the body?

What Is Dry Ice?

Dry ice or dry ice is carbon dioxide (CO2) that has been solidified. This CO2 is suppressed at a very low temperature, namely -78°C so that it becomes very cold.

When dry ice melts, it turns into carbon dioxide gas, a process known as sublimation. Carbon dioxide gas itself is always present in the environment, but in low concentrations. Colorless gas is also odorless.

Usually dry ice is used to freeze food and keep the temperature of the food low, for example in ice cream bags.

Why Can Dry Ice Be Dangerous?

This is the Danger of Dry Ice Mixed in the Swimming Pool

The New York Department of Health says dry ice can be dangerous and have serious repercussions in small, poorly ventilated spaces. When this ice sublimates, carbon dioxide gas will accumulate making people breathe CO2 gas in large quantities.

Inhaled carbon dioxide gas can cause headaches, difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting. In extreme cases, overexposure can cause a person to lose consciousness and lead to death.

In the case of mixing dry ice with water in a swimming pool, the water molecules in the pool are at a higher temperature than the ice. This causes a collision process in the energy delivery from water and dry ice.

Dry ice cools water while water warms dry ice. Because of this, the carbon dioxide molecules in the form of ice move and change to a gaseous state more quickly. When the human body inhales it, it can cause dangerous conditions such as frostbite and asphyxia.

In addition, ice has a very cold temperature, so if it is in contact for too long it can cause burns or ice burns that can kill skin cell tissue. In fact, it only takes a few seconds of contact with the ice for this to happen.

Meanwhile, the CO2 gas content in dry ice can disrupt the composition of the air. This limits the oxygen supply and makes it difficult for a person to breathe.

In addition, there is also the risk of an explosion that can occur. Dry ice is not flammable or explosive. But when it turns into a gas, ice can put a lot of pressure on it.

If you place dry ice in a closed container near a swimming pool, there is a chance that the container may explode. This ice explosion can produce a loud sound. Ice flakes and crushed containers can also be thrown and injure those around them.

How To Use Dry Ice Safely?

When stored and used as directed, dry ice is harmless and can be used to make some interesting show tricks. Here are things to pay attention to when using it.

  • Order dry ice in appropriate quantities and sizes, use in reasonable quantities.
  • Use safety equipment such as cryogenic gloves, goggles, or a face shield when working with dry ice.
  • Wear gloves when touching the ice, wear safety glasses, or a face shield when cutting it.
  • Store ice in containers that have holes to allow gas to escape, so that when the ice deforms it doesn't compress and explode in the container.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Do not try to eat or swallow dry ice.

Disposing of dry ice should also be done with care. Since ice can cause a build-up of carbon dioxide gas and increase pressure, do not throw ice in gutters, landfills, or drains.

You simply allow the remaining dry ice to melt and turn to gas in an outdoor or well-ventilated area.

Immediately consult or seek help from a doctor if you experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, headache, skin blisters, burning sensation, or numbness after touching dry ice.

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